Lower Lifeforms, 2023, Horsens Art Museum (photo: Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen)

Infrastructure, 2023, clear acrylic, wood, plastic, radiant acrylic, mold, concrete, bronze, filter, 95 × 114 × 44 cm

Lower Lifeforms, 2023, Horsens Art Museum (photo: Jacob Friis-Holm Nielsen)

Infrastructure, Acrylic, wood, concrete, silicon, radiant acrylic, plastic, mold, and bronze respiratory system. 64 x 66 x 23,5 cm,

Night Bloom Central, Ulterior Gallery 2022, (photo: Jason Mandella)

Infrastructure, acrylic, wood, concrete, silicon, radiant acrylic, plastic, mold, and bronze respiratory system 40,6 x 40,6 x 134,6 cm,

Night Bloom Central, Ulterior Gallery 2022, (photo:Jason Mandella)

Infrastructure, 2024. Installation view, Undo Planet. Photo: Ahina Archive. Courtesy of Art Sonje Center ⓒ 2024. All rights reserved.

Infrastructure detail, 2024. Photo: Ahina Archive. Courtesy of Art Sonje Center ⓒ 2024. All rights reserved.

Untitled, mold on wood hermetically sealed by acrylic glass. 2016-2018

Installation view, Noma Copenhagen, 2018

Infrastructure, clear acrylic, wood, silicon, radiant acrylic, plastic, mold, bronze respiratory system, 31 x 45 x 30 cm. 2020 (photo: Jonas Søgaard)

Infrastructure, clear acrylic, wood, silicon, radiant acrylic, plastic, mold, bronze respiratory system, 117 x 60 x 40 cm. 2020 (photo: Jonas Søgaard)

Infrastructure, clear acrylic, wood, palm leaves, mold, aluminum respiratory system, 93x70x35 cm. 2018

Infrastructure, bronze, clear acrylic, wood, palm leaves, plant seeds, mold, and concrete 130x50x40 cm. Face of another at Galleri Susanne Ottesen 2018. 

Photo: Anders Sune Berg

Infrastructure, bronze, clear acrylic, wood, palm leaves, plant seeds, mold and concrete 89x71x51 cm. Nicodim Gallery, Los Angeles 2018
